Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to Find the Best Baby Car Seat

Features to Consider

There are many features to consider when shopping for your baby's car seat. You must consider cost, comfort, safety ratings, ease of use, and how long you will be using the seat. If you are not a body builder (most of us are not), you will also want to consider how heavy it is to carry. Many of the infant carriers are extremely heavy to carry with a baby in them, so keep that in mind.


All seats should be safe, that is the idea, right? You may find safety rating on any of the major baby websites. You may need to balance out what safety ratings are with other factors.


Car seats are not cheap, but some are more affordable than others. Cheaper seats may fit your budget, but may not come with as much padding for baby, but still be perfectly safe. Find a price that you're happy with, and compare it to others to make sure you're getting a good deal.

Ease of Use

It is a good idea when checking out seats to practice testing the straps and see how easy they are to hook and unhook. If the seat is difficult when shopping, it will be incredibly worse with a squirmy baby inside.


When you pick the seat up, imagine the weight plus 20 pounds. If that seems unbearable, move on to another seat. You don't want to break your back, but instead carry something that is on the lighter side.

Length of use

While many families choose an infant carrier at first, most only will accommodate baby until it weighs twenty pounds, at which point you will be moving to a convertible car seat. If your budget is tight, you may want to skip the carrier. If money is no object, the carrier can be easier to use and more comfortable for baby.

When you are shopping for a car seat, please remember to keep all of these factors in mind. These will help you find the right car seat for your baby, for your vehicle, and for you to carry them around!

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