Thursday, January 13, 2011

Free Car Seat Classes Help Save Kids

Like many regions across the country, Utah County automobile crashes are the leading cause of death for children under the age of 14. This tragedy is preventable in many cases as the cause of death is often due not to the crash itself, but to an improperly installed car seat.

Unless the specific automobile child seat you have purchased is installed correctly and properly fits your child's height and weight, the protection you expect is simply not there. Of course, you first have to actually use it. According to, a full half of the children who died in car accidents in 2004 were completely unrestrained.

Publicly funded health units and municipal governments as well as non-profit organizations and vehicle manufacturers alike all provide training on how to keep your children safe by proper use of child-safety seats. For example, in addition to safety checks, Utah County car seat classes are provided to whoever asks--free of charge.

The safety checks take about a half hour and your car seat is examined in three ways: for correct installation in the vehicle; to see if any recalls have been issued for that model; and to make sure your child fits correctly. The classes are a bit longer at an hour and fifteen minutes, but they cover every aspect of child passenger safety: from misuse and correct installation to crash tests and the different types of child restraints to the height and weight requirements.

Remember, a correctly-used car seat will reduce children's deaths by 90 percent and serious injuries by nearly three-quarters. Makes that hour time well spent, you'll probably agree.

Thanks To : discount luxury watches

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