Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why Should My Baby Ride in a Rear Facing Car Seat?

If you had a baby, you probably have them buckled in their car seat facing away without really thinking about why. Of course, you probably have that seat, you should have your baby in a rear-facing only and accepts, without saying why. The reason is very simple. If you put your baby in a front seat, they face the risk of spinal injury in a crash. Ideally, everyone would be back in a ride beforeSeat, to reduce the risk of injury. Obviously this is not practical. As can be expected to drive the car while you are away from us, the rear window? Adults must face forward, but babies should face the rear for several reasons.

First of all rear-facing seat offers better protection of a child in a frontal or offset frontal collision. It is true that a front seat facing the rear would provide more protection in a crash or offset rear. But when looking at theStatistics frontal crashes are far more common. 72% of accidents are frontal or offset frontal collision. 24% side impact crashes, and only 4% of collisions are rear-end collision. Only on these figures, it makes the most sense, a seat lay a baby in the car rear facing, as it offers the best collision protection of 72%.

Another thing to consider, falls in the energy. You have two vehicles with a weight of 3000 pounds or more, traveling at 20-70 miles per hour,depending on whether you are on the surface streets or on the highway. The weight and speed of the car means that quite a lot of energy to the occupants of the vehicles will be transferred. If there is a rear collision, then either a car is stopped, and the other car crashes into it at low speed, or the two vehicles when traveling at about the same speed, and it is not a lot of energy in the collision. In a frontal collision, but there are a lotEnergy transferred to the occupants of the vehicles. Both vehicles are traveling at speed and come to a halt in a fraction of a second. Well, think about what happens if you stop suddenly. They tend to be pushed forward to your seat in., the higher the speed, and the faster the vehicle stops, the more you will be pushed forward to. So we've have seat belts and airbags. This is good for adults. Our muscles, bones and connective tissues are fully developed. If we have a safety belt andAirbags can we survive. A baby on the other side is still under construction. When a baby belt was thrown forward in a seat belt or it could suffer serious injuries. On the other hand, if the baby in a secure rear-facing seat, the seat of the baby would be cushioned from the back.

So for those reasons you would your child is safest in a rear-facing seats. Graco SnugRide 32 car seats are designed to yourBaby Safe in a rear facing seat until they reach 32 pounds or inches 32nd Much longer than the 20 pounds is recommended. Of course, they are also to meet or exceed the U.S. crash test standards. To put your baby in a car seat facing away side, and keep them safe.

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