Monday, March 22, 2010

Why Children Need Chiropractic Care

Many people simply do not know how much difference Chiropractic adjustments can a child or a child's health, because infants and young children usually are able to say that hurt their necks or low backs. If a child is old enough to tell an adult about his or her neck or back pain, one can simply be dismissed because many people believe it is difficult to see that a child back pain as an adult could not find. In fact, they can do and what they do. The truth is that chiropracticAdjustments can easily handle the complaints of many infants and children.

Chiropractic for babies

The birth process can be very traumatic for a child, especially if the baby's head and neck are pulled in any way during labor and birth. A simple way to tell if a baby's neck is misaligned, to see where he or she is in a car seat. If the baby is constantly looking in the same direction are the vertebrae in his neck, mostprobably fixed (the term Chiropractic is subluxated). Subluxated vertebra is often irritated or sore, and an adjustment will help the joints to a normal range of motion, while reducing the symptoms that the child experiences.

Colicky babies find great relief with chiropractic adjustments. A study in Denmark (Klougart N, N treated Nilsson, Jacobsen J. Infantile colic by chiropractors: a prospective study of 316 cases. J Manip Physiol There 1989; 12 (4): 281-8)showed that 94% of the infants receiving the chiropractic treatment, a significant reduction in crying time within two weeks of treatment found.

As babies grow and learn to crawl and walk, their spines last through their newly acquired positions and body by gravity. It is important to check a child's back to the main milestones of development, ensuring in particular on the crawling and walking stages to ensure that the vortices all move in a normal pattern ofMovement.

Chiropractic for babies

Another problem for chiropractors in children are falls and collisions. How do children appreciate their bodies in space, they often fall, and these shocks can cause distortions in her spine. Anatomically, the spinal cord is housed by the vertebrae and nerves exit from between each vertebra in pairs. If the vertebrae are out of alignment they press on the nerves as they exit the spine. The result is that the nervous systemSystem is not able to function as best it could.

Chiropractic for Children

Sports, especially contact sports can cause back or neck pain for children. Heading the ball when playing soccer, a slide into the boards head first to meet in hockey, by the ball or from other players in baseball and basketball all lead to deformities of the spine of the child. Chiropractors can make the difference, the sooner you treat a child who has injured his neck orback.

Children may suffer from migraines. While chiropractic care can help all types of migraine, some migraines from a landline and subluxated vertebrae in the neck. Adjustments can help reduce or eliminate the frequency and intensity of this type of migraine headache.

Children may suffer from neck and back pain when their backpacks are not worn properly or if they are carrying too much weight known for their body size. For more information aboutBackpacks and how they fit correctly with your child taken, please read our article on Backpacks at

In Conclusion

It is very important that a child will grow into the correct alignment of the spine. If your baby seems uncomfortable or consistently refuses to look in one direction, please review his spine. If your child had a fall playing contact sports or complains of neck or back pain, please contact aChiropractors. It is such a world of difference to the health of your child.

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1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic treatment and service from chiropractor really helpful to solve spinal and nervous problems.I have to like this treatment/therapy because it works naturally no side effects.You may try from your locality, I hope you must found chiropractor nearby you.
    Chiropractor dacula
